Monday, May 14, 2007


The United States sends thousands of missionaries to other countries every year. (and ironically thousands go to the US from other countries every year). South Korea sends more missionaries all over the world than the US does--despite the fact that it is much smaller of a country. And you can pick about any country--even predominately Hindu or Muslim ones, and find that they at least have some missionaries go. There are missionaries all over the world, seeking to take Christ to lost and dying people--or perhaps just seeking to wake up lost and dying "Christians"! Astonishingly, over 90% of missionaries are serving "Christian" areas. They are preaching the Gospel to the same people who already profess Christ.

There are no missionaries serving in Somalia. As a matter of fact, there are no "churches" there according to published literature. I guess they failed to realize you dont have to have a building to have a church. There is most certainly a church in Somalia--otherwise Christians wouldn't be dying there continually. It isnt "missionary" Christians who are being killed--its natives of Somalia who risk their lives to profess Christ and denounce Islam. We avoid Somalia because it is "Dangerous". Have we forgotten the danger in allowing lost souls to persih for the sake of our own comfort? Will you sit and do nothing while Somalis die daily without knowing Christ?

I was amazed to find that while nearly one million Somali's are refugees in other countries, there are reportedly only around 20 Christian missionaries serving them (in countried other than Somalia--again, there are no missionaries in Somalia). Even in areas with a lot of Christian influence, Somali's are neglected or overlooked. I suppose if we think carefully though, we may find that in our own neighborhoods the lost are being overlooked.

We are the hands and feet of Christ, but simply moving doesn't accomplish the task. We must be obedient to the Master's desires and follow His instructions. Then, and only then, can His will be accomplished and His kingdom's work done. Rather than picking "safe" places to send our missionaries, we need to ask the One who has power over all obstacles where it is He would have us to go.

Will you go where He leads? Will you stop and seek to find out where He desires to lead you? Will you ignore all obstacles and walk in obedience for His name's sake--Even if it means facing the dangerous perils of a place like Somalia?

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