The call
I feel the need to tell my Somalia story as an explanation of why Somalia is so important to me.
Eleven years ago, as a fairly new believer, I felt the Lord calling me to surrender my life to mission work. I was in college at the time. I recall attending a missions conference where Scott Wesley Brown sang "Lord dont send me to Africa" and as I heard the words, I begged the Lord to send me there! I couldnt fathom why anyone wouldnt want to go anywhere the Lord could use them.
It was several months later...I dont think I had ever really heard of Somalia or knew anything about it. But one day, Somalia came to my mind. I felt the Lord telling me that I would serve Him there. The thoughts never left my mind. I questioned the Lord on this and started doing some research. Somalia being in Africa of course brought some thoughts to mind, that maybe I wasnt crazy after all, but was getting my wish! But the more I learned about Somalia, the more impossible it certainly was to go there. I spent a lot of time seeking the Lord in this.
One day, when I was absolutely determined to know for sure His will. I attended a Bible study as I always did on Friday nights, and this guy walked up to me afterward and said "Hi, my name is Ahmad, I'm from Somalia. Go to my country and teach." That sounds way too obvious to be true, but the Lord is my witness that that is exactly what happened. Now how could I an any way deny that that was His voice!!!
At that time, I was an education major. I later changed to ministry. For many years I sought a means of getting to Somalia to serve. It never worked out. No agency was willing to send me and I could not go on my own. But Somalia has never, ever, left my mind. I have never doubted that I will one day serve there.
I pray for Somalia daily. I keep up with the news and the needs there. I await the day the doors will be open.
Recently, the Lord told me time is nearing. And, through a string of events that I could never have imagined, the way is being prepared. I will not go into detail for the sake of the security of others.
I am so blessed now to have contact with believers in Somalia and to be gaining understanding of how to help the believers there.
Please commit to pray for Somalia. It is my prayer that the Lord will open your heart and give you the depth of love for the Somali people that He has given me.
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