God of the impossible
God allows his people to face impossible situations so that He can fully work in and through us. How did the Israelites get to the Red Sea? God brought them there. How did they get to Jericho? God brought them there. Why? Because God had a great purpose in it. He wanted to show his power. God allows his people to face impossible situations ultimately for his glory and to work out his purpose.
Somalia appears to be a difficult--even impossible circumstance. but with our God all things are possible. If we dare to trust Him to make the impossible possible, if we dare to step out and trust Him to lead our paths, if we dare to ignore what our eyes see and look with our hearts, He is able, He is willing, He promises to move mountains.
Somali Christians face the impossible every day. They trust in the Lord and He is faithful. How many of us are willing to step out of our comfort zones and step foot on Somali soil to proclaim the word of God? Some will say God isn't calling them. Others will say its not possible. But look to the Word of God and look to the God of the Word and reconsider.... Do you really believe God isnt calling ANY Christians to go to Somalia? If you won't pray and go--pray and send. If you won't pray and send, pray or send. If you won't go, pray, or send, who will?
1 comment:
I have enjoyed browsing through your blog this morning. I have followed the links you have provided and found it worthwhile reading and certainly given me some direction for prayers for the Somali people.
My prayer for you today is that God will provide you more opportunities in Somalia.
I will mention your blog in mine today.
Mary Ann
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