Friday, November 30, 2007

This battle belongs to the Lord

2 Chronicles chapter 20 tells of the Moabites and Ammonites coming to war against Jehoshaphat. When Jehoshaphat found this out, he "decided to inquire of the Lord." He didnt start making plans to fight back. He didn't decide to flee. No, he chose to seek the Lord. Not only did Jehoshaphat chose to seek the Lord, He called all the people together to fast and pray so that as a groups they could seek the Lord's plans.

Then, the Spirit of the Lord spoke through Jahaziel and told them that the battle was not theirs--it was the Lord's. He told him to go to meet the Moabites and Ammorites.. and for the people to take their position and stand firm. He said (as He so often does in scripture) not to be discouraged or afraid due to the circumstances (the large enemy army), but rather to trust the Lord. How often when battle ensues do we run to seek the Lord? How often when He tells us it will be ok, do we insist on worrying or trying to make other plans because we see no evidence of possibility?

Scripture says Jehoshaphat fell on his face and all of the people fell down to worship the Lord. Some stood up and sang praises to Him. So in the threat of war, less than 24 hours before battle, they weren't polishing their weapons. They weren't talking strategy. They weren't making plans to evacuate the city. No, they were havin' church! They were praising the Lord!
They were worshiping Him with all they had.

The next morning, the day of battle, they went out early to meet the enemy armies. But first.... Jehoshaphat encouraged the people--reminded them of what the Lord said--and He appointed men to go in front and lead the army in praise. I love this part. Can you imagine, an army going to war and taking song books rather than weapons?

Notice that the Lord had told them to go and take their position and stand firm. He didnt tell them to go out praising. That was the *result* of their faith. And He responded to that too.. actually, they never had to take their position, because when they got to the battle sight, the enemy had already been slaughtered. They went above and beyond God's request and He went above and beyond His promise.

For those suffering in Somalia's persecution, remember to go out praising the Lord. Take Your position and stand firm and trust in the Lord, for this battle belongs to the Lord.

Thursday, November 22, 2007


1 Peter 4:1 says just as Christ suffered in the body, we must also suffer. Why would a loving God allow people to suffer? Because He is suffering, and when we walk with Him, we face the same insults, the same perfectution, the same hatred that the world has for Him. Not because He desires it for us, but because the world does not receive Him.

However, one must remember that in Him there is victory. He replaces pain with healing. He replaces hunger with fulfillment. He replaces sorrow with joy. He replaces defeat with victory.

Many believers never suffer. They have adapted to the ways of this world. They deny Christ for the sake of comfort. But in Somalia, every believer suffers. Every believer risks their lives for the sake of Christ. But He has not neglected any. He is suffering.. you suffer because you are His. But, this too, shall pass.

Soon, my brothers and sisters. Soon, very soon, you will get your reward.

Friday, November 16, 2007

God of the impossible

God allows his people to face impossible situations so that He can fully work in and through us. How did the Israelites get to the Red Sea? God brought them there. How did they get to Jericho? God brought them there. Why? Because God had a great purpose in it. He wanted to show his power. God allows his people to face impossible situations ultimately for his glory and to work out his purpose.

Somalia appears to be a difficult--even impossible circumstance. but with our God all things are possible. If we dare to trust Him to make the impossible possible, if we dare to step out and trust Him to lead our paths, if we dare to ignore what our eyes see and look with our hearts, He is able, He is willing, He promises to move mountains.

Somali Christians face the impossible every day. They trust in the Lord and He is faithful. How many of us are willing to step out of our comfort zones and step foot on Somali soil to proclaim the word of God? Some will say God isn't calling them. Others will say its not possible. But look to the Word of God and look to the God of the Word and reconsider.... Do you really believe God isnt calling ANY Christians to go to Somalia? If you won't pray and go--pray and send. If you won't pray and send, pray or send. If you won't go, pray, or send, who will?

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

what will it take?

Paul repeatedly speaks to believers about not being "ashamed in His coming". I think often Christians get so caught up in "life" that they miss out on God's plan for their life. What would it take for you to live the way God wants you to live? What will it take to get you to surrender your whole heart and live 100% for Him?

I suppose it is the answer to that question that will move you beyond being like the inquisitive rich young ruler and will either lead you to a deeper walk with the Lord or will cause you to walk away sad. You see, it wasn't the man's money that caused him defeat, it was his unwillingness to obey the Lord. Whatever it is that you wont give up will keep you from knowing Christ the way He desires you to know Him. And whatever it is you say you would give up--if He asked you--is probably the very thing He has already asked you to let go of. Hear His voice today and don;t harden your heart.

What will it take?