While storms tossed waves into the boat, the disciples panicked, yet Jesus slept. Upon awakening, Jesus rebuked the storms---and He rebuked the disciples. If there were any time to be concerned, in the midst of nearly drowning should rank pretty high up there. But our Savior rebuked their very fears. Now, He wasn't rebuking them for doub ting what He said He'd do. No, He rebuked the very fact that they would doubt what went unspoken--that He could and would make everything alright.
If Jesus rebukes such thought, how much more does He rebuke our "what if's" and "but's" and "if only's".
What is God calling you to do today that you are putting off because you are too focused on a storm and not focused enough on Him?
The reality is, if the disciples had their minds on Christ, the storm would have been irrelevent.
God is calling many to go to Somalia, but there are enough excuses not to. Where is your focus--on Christ's power over the storm, or on the storm?