Wednesday, November 07, 2007

what will it take?

Paul repeatedly speaks to believers about not being "ashamed in His coming". I think often Christians get so caught up in "life" that they miss out on God's plan for their life. What would it take for you to live the way God wants you to live? What will it take to get you to surrender your whole heart and live 100% for Him?

I suppose it is the answer to that question that will move you beyond being like the inquisitive rich young ruler and will either lead you to a deeper walk with the Lord or will cause you to walk away sad. You see, it wasn't the man's money that caused him defeat, it was his unwillingness to obey the Lord. Whatever it is that you wont give up will keep you from knowing Christ the way He desires you to know Him. And whatever it is you say you would give up--if He asked you--is probably the very thing He has already asked you to let go of. Hear His voice today and don;t harden your heart.

What will it take?

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