Monday, June 04, 2007

Borders can be brought down

The bride of Christ--the church--should not divided by borders between countries. As the apostle Paul wrote to the various local churches, he considered them to be one with him, other believers, and other local groups of believers. Yet today, we seem to forget that believers even exist in other countries. There may be some general prayer for believers elsewhere, but we as a body neglect the specific remembrance, intercession, and unity that is commanded among all believers.

Perhaps the beginning of this negligence is within our own communities. Prayer, one of the most powerful tools we have within the body is often placed on the back burner as church events fill up the calander. This should not be so. It is through prayer that we get to know our Savior more deeply. It is through prayer that we are united in Him. It is through prayer that we can reach across the boundaries. It is through prayer that His hand is moved to transform the world, to make the impossible possible, and to change lives.

Please join us in prayer--first that God would move within you and prepare you. Second that He would move within the local body and teach you. Third that He would move on a worldwide level and use you.

We are to be His hands, His feet, His body...........................................

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