Wednesday, June 13, 2007

God will make a way

Time and time again in scripture we see God work out the impossible. The same Lord of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob is the One who calmed the storm, the One who hung on a cross yet rose again on the third day. The same One who made man out of dust, delivered one man from a lions den and three from a fiery furnace and spit another out of the mouth of a giant fish. That same God is our God. The one who walked on water, restored stength to the lame, and made the blind see. He is the One who desires to work wonders in our lives.

No matter what the impossible, He has a plan. Somalia looks hopeless. All of the reports list the country as the "worst" time and time again. Yet amazingly, most of the world knows nothing about what is going on there. But our Father sees possiblity there. He knows the extent of the problems and He has a plan. His heart leaps for the day that the fruit will be ripe on the vine. He is getting ready to move His hand and cause a great harvest. But the workers are few, because so many look at the field and see nothing. Can we possibly doubt our God's power and ability?

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